Friday, August 31, 2007

Squishy Moments

1. get that tongue back in your mouth, 2. my boy, 3. goof ball, 4. smiley, 5. weeeeee!, 6. silly, 7. smile, 8. worth waiting for...

Have you ever had that it-can't-get-better-than-this feeling that makes your heart feel all warm and fuzzy? My husband calls it having the "squishies." This was one of those moments. Ren and I were just hanging out when he hugged me. As I looked down at his sweet face, it hit me: this won't last forever. Of course, he'll still hug me but it will never be exactly the same. Even as I write this only months after our photo shoot, things have already changed!! He is not only taller but also demanding more space: "Mom, I'm seven now."

I love that he's growing and becoming more independent but I miss the incessant hugs!

Journaling Ideas: Take a look around you and savor the sweet moments in life! What gives you that squishy feeling? What do you love most about those moments? What will you miss? Be sure to capture squishy moments with your journal or camera - they will pass!

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