Sunday, October 21, 2007

they no like-a my jingles...

There is this thing I do that my kids HATE. Well, they say they hate it but deep down I think it's something they secretly enjoy and would miss terribly if it no longer happened. I sing jingles - little tunes that are supposed to rhyme (but never do). They usually begin something like this:

Jingle, jingle, jingle
it's time for another jingle
it will make you tingle
more than a can of Pringles.

Once warmed up, I make up lyrics that relate to whatever it is we are doing. The boys scream and protest, telling me to STOP. I don't - in fact, I usually sing even louder! This happened the other day at lunch and I tried to capture their reactions on camera. We were dining on Spaghettios (remember that jingle?) and afterwards found this fun link I wanted to be sure to pass along. It made me realize that our generation was raised on jingles!

Journaling Ideas: What are some silly little things YOU do in the privacy of your own home? Is it hereditary? What kinds of things did your parents do to make you roll your eyes? In what other ways do you "let loose" with those you love?

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