Saturday, January 26, 2008

delightful things.

This yummy goodness was given to me by Sharon: jasmine-infused Swiss chocolate. Can you see why she's called my hip & cool friend?

By the way, did you know that you could create your own rub-on transfers? I love using my computer to create all sorts of journaling and title blocks but was clueless as to this money-saving technique. Imagine the possibilities girls... you'd be able to personalize them! Though I have not tried this yet myself, you'll see all sorts of comments on the attached link; it looks like it truly works. The link is here...

Too, I just received a treat that is not yet in stores. Well, actually, it will never be sold in stores but I thought it would make the perfect gift for a giveaway. That will happen on Monday.

Have a great weekend and try not to let the suspense get the best of you ;-)

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Mary said...

I love the new look of your blog. If anyone is hip and cool, it is you.

Tina Vega said...

Ohhhh, you're so sweet - thanks Mary!