Monday, August 25, 2008

today is monday, correct?

A sure sign it's time for the school year to begin... I'm losing track of the days! We've spent the entire summer purposely avoiding talk of school, now we have ONE WEEK to reprogram the children. I'm quite sure they've forgotten about such things as homework, bedtimes, and Cookie Fridays.

Can you believe it's that time again?

We have several exciting things planned for the week - the hubby has even created one of his itineraries. (You just know exciting things are in store when that happens.) We've officially dubbed this as our first ever STAYCATION... which is just a fancy way of saying we're not really going anywhere but pretending we are by not cleaning or cooking. Of course, we had to start things out right:

Several members of the Little Peeps, getting ready for a gig.

By the way, have I mentioned that my oldest now wants a bass guitar for his birthday? A real one. The hubby is ecstatic. (I think he's secretly hoping to be part of the boys' future garage band.)

Anyway, my fingers are poised in anticipation; stay tuned for all of the fun and tasty STAYCATION details!

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