Saturday, November 22, 2008

a sign o' the times

We stopped at Target today to pick up a few things, including a gallon of milk. The hubby grabbed it and paid for everything while I was off with the boys in another part of the store. Imagine the UTTER SHOCK when my eyes rested upon this deceptively similar "new convenient size."


Unfortunately, the new 94 oz. size is not very convenient for me; we were already falling short with the former 128 oz. jug. I'm also not very happy with the fact that this *new convenience* is costing me more per ounce.

Like we wouldn't notice.

On the same note of financial frigga-ness, have you heard the recent news about purchasing gift cards this holiday season? Apparently, a lot of retailers are feeling the financial pinch and many are closing stores after January 1st (which might make it more difficult to actually USE those gift cards). After a bit of Googling, it looks like much most of the circulating information is hype (click HERE and HERE to see for yourself).

It looks like the only thing we have to complain about is the milk.

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Amy said...

Hehe-you should have been in "Udder Shock", LOL. At least gas cheap now-i saw it for $1.69 tonight!

Amy said...

Forgot to add that Club Libby Lu is going out of business: and Limited Too stores are either being converted to Justice stores or closing, specifics on individual stores have not been announced. Kind of a big deal among the tween girls around town.

Tina Vega said...

We filled up for $1.67 in Apple Valley today!!! That part is good, we'll need the extra cash to pay for our milk!

That's very sad about Libby Lu :-(