Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obviously, the child was not traumatized by the ordeal.

We've been through this several times but never with appointments so close together and never with complaints of pain. After our last appointment, Ren (the boy an unusual high tolerance for pain) said it hurt when the dentist pulled out his bottom tooth. After having six pulled without complaint, that caught my attention. (That and his extreme anxiety over today's appointment.)

After bringing it up to the dentist, I was assured that he was indeed numb (they checked and rechecked) but the extra long roots might have played a part in the discomfort.

Gee, ya think?

The boy is doing well tonight. Recovered just enough to make it to his ENT appointment tomorrow. We're thinking the tonsils are next.

Can you say FUN? Okay, not so much.

Though I'm sure he'll find a way to make it so :-)

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Colleen W said...

OH he is so STINKIN' CUTE! how can you stand it! Glad to hear it went well!!

Deanna said...

My older daughter has teeth like that and I've jokingly asked if we oughta get an orthopedic consult when she's had teeth pulled!

I've been through most of these issues with my children but not all of them on the same kid! Your poor guy is havin it ROUGH! Glad he's toughin it out ok - I love that picture btw - hilarious!