Sunday, June 28, 2009

i am i'd be a little jealous, too

Meeley feels slighted and can't quite grasp the "fairness" of his younger brother being able to eat ice cream for dinner, having unlimited game time, and being let off the hook with daily chores. His head gets it but his heart doesn't. So the hubby and Meeley will be having a special guy day this week. Common Sense Media gave Star Trek a "suitable for 12-year olds" rating so they'll be heading off to Meeley's first unedited PG-13 movie. (At this point, he's only seen filtered PG-13 movies.)

A milestone. In my book, at least.

I'm on-call today for NILMDTS and as usual, am praying that no one is in need of my services. Too, I'm looking forward to a night in my bed. (We plan to move Ren from the living room recliner to his bed tonight.) Let's just say, it's been Sleepless in Rosemount this weekend. The sofa is no way to sleep.

Pippy stopped by last night with a Dairy Queen frozen cake. His card made mention of calling Ren "Ice Cream Man" instead of "Apple Dude" - if you've been reading this blog for some time, I'm sure you've picked up on my son's apple issues. Ren got a kick out of that one. Too, Auntie Stacey packed him up a juicy red one along with a really cool game when she stopped by on Friday. (Sadly though, he's limited to applesauce for the next couple of weeks.)

Think I'd been go brew some coffee now that the boy is up. It's only 7:00 am and my head is already starting to throb. Not a good sign. Sleep deprivation is dangerous after forty.

It looks to be a beautiful day, I hope you enjoy it!

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