Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"I'd imagine myself a hobo before a professional swimmer." - Meeley on talk of swimming lessons

He has a way of expressing himself; when Meeley doesn't like something, you certainly know it :-)

The hubby has been selling up a storm on Craig's List, enough even to purchase two new guitars - this Gretsch being one of them. It has caught the interest of our soon-to-be third grader; in addition to playing drums, he now wants to learn how to play guitar. Can you blame him?

Speaking of Craig's List, my sister Stacey will be selling a ton of plus-size clothing at great prices. Here's a sampling of one of her collections:

It includes a pair of pajamas, a cream-colored blouse, two dressy tops along with a black skirt and black twill pants, a short-sleeved denim top, and a striped blouse - all for $50. There are roughly nine collections, all with a similar number of pieces. If you're interested in sizes or checking out any of the other collections before they are posted to Craig's List, let me know!

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